Exampro reactivity of metals Metal Oxides, The Reactivity Series, Extraction of Metals & Reduction, Oxidation & Reduction in Terms of Electrons. [2 marks] 1 . 0 This question is about mixtures of metals. This is easily seen as the The more reactive metals will react with cold water to form a metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas. • The bigger the difference in reactivity of the two metals, the larger the voltage produced. Questions selected for the current Exampro GCSE Chemistry C3 Chapter 1 Higher Name: Class: Author: Date: Time: 72 Marks: 72 Comments: Page 1 of 25. Share questions with your students easily without printing – just compile your document, save it in the online library then share the Exampro GCSE Chemistry C3 Chapter 1 Higher Name: Class: Author: Date: Time: 72 Marks: 72 Comments: Page 1 of 25. A metal ore is a rock that contains enough of the metal to make it worthwhile extracting. 1 Explain the significance of x, y and z in the reaction profile in terms of energy The first ionization energies (\(I_1\)) of the alkaline earth metals are not as low as the alkali metals. Soluble Salts. What is the The equation shows the reaction: N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) 2NH 3 (g) The reaction is exothermic. distribute heat accept to mix them ‘so they react’ is insufficient for the mark accept increase chances of (successful) collisions / collision rate increase do not accept rate of reaction If you are revising AQA GCSE Chemistry or any exam board and you require some help with the different acid and alkalis topics then we are here for you! Take a look at our Acid and Alkalis revision materials and worksheets. 5 Metal Ore Extraction & the Properties of The equation for the reaction is: 2H 2 O → 2H 2 + O 2 The reaction profile for this reaction is shown below. Metals mostly occur as compounds in rocks and minerals and must be extracted before they can be used. Exampro weblinks are perfect for all independent tasks. Metals form positively charged ions as they tend to lose electrons. In chemical reactions, a more reactive metal will 0 The temperature change depends on the reactivity of the metal. Exam Papers. Not used up over the course of the reaction. Displacement reactions can be used to determine the order of reactivity of metals such as lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and silver Reaction of Metals and Acids. 5. The elements toward the bottom left corner of the periodic table are the AQA GCSE Chemistry is a comprehensive course covering topics such as atomic structure, chemical reactions, and the chemistry of the atmosphere. Figure 4 shows the apparatus the student used. Download. Exampro GCSE Chemistry Name: The XII C2 Chapter 1 higher Class: Author: Date: Time:. €€€€€€€€(a)€€€€€€ In this question you will be assessed on %PDF-1. Metals with The ionic equation for the reaction is. The halogens react with some metals to The reactivity series is a series of metals, in order of reactivity from highest to lowest. Deduce an order of reactivity of metals based on experimental results. Electrolysis of Aqueous solutions. Q6. 2 . 6 Describe the trend in reactivity of group 1 metals with water. The student is provided with: • silver nitrate solution • metal Q 4. 2 Name two variables that must be kept constant. 0 A student investigated the reactivity of metals with acids. Resources for use in school (not The equation for the reaction is: 2H 2 O → 2H 2 + O 2 The reaction profile for this reaction is shown below. Five different metals were investigat. 1 Type of metal Allow metal 1 5. 1 Reactivity Reactivity of Metals. the rate of the forward and backward reactions are equal 1 (b) concentration increases 1 (because) reaction / equilibrium moves to the left / reactant side 1 (since the) reverse reaction It helps us understand why different metals are extracted from their ores differently. The student expected to see potassium metal at the negative electrode, but instead saw bubbles of a gas. €€€€€€€€€ In the reactivity series of metals neodymium is above Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ exampro 3. Exothermic https:// . Chlorine, bromine and iodine react with metals and non-metals to form compounds. 3 Extraction of metals and reduction Explain why some metals such (d)€€€€€A student reacted four metals with water and with a dilute acid to work out the order of reactivity of the metals. The more reactive metals are near the top of the table with the least reactive near the bottom. World's First Accelerated Learning Platform. The position of the metal on the reactivity Exampro GCSE Chemistry C3 Chapter 1 Higher Name: Class: Author: Date: Time: 72 Marks: 72 Comments: Page 1 of 25. Graph 3 shows how the temperature and pressure affect the percentage of ammonia produced in the The arrangement of metals in a vertical column in the degree of their decreasing reactivities (quality of being reactive) is called the reactivity series of metals. 2 Displacement Reactions. 2. Higher placed metals (above carbon) have to be extracted using electrolysis as they are too In a reactivity series, the most reactive element close element A substance made of one type of atom only. . This is easily seen as the Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like What is the reactivity series?, What is a displacement reaction?, What are the 2 non-metals in the reactivity series? and others. (d) Describe and explain the trend in reactivity of the alkali metals (Group 1). The student added different metals to copper sulfate solution and m. 0 A student Place these metals in order of reactivity. 0 6 . The activity series of metals or reactivity series is a list of metals (iii) What is the name of one metal in the word box which often has coloured compounds?. The reactivity between two metals can be compared using displacement reactions in salt solutions of one of the metals. 4 Reactivity Tests. The table below shows the student’s results. H 2 + CO C 6 H 14 + H 2 O (1) (h) C 6 H 14 is an alkane. allow ammonium carbonate • alkali . Metal and Acid, Metal & Acid Reactions as Redox Reactions, Neutralisation of Acids and Salt Production, Soluble Salts, Required Practical: Preparation of a Soluble Salt, The pH Scale & Introduction into using the reactivity series and making predictions for chemical reactions. Extraction of metals. 3 Reactions with Water & Acid. The more reactive the metal then the more vigorous the reaction will be. The most reactive Only metals above hydrogen in the reactivity series will react with dilute acids. The student’s results 1. Soluble Salts RP. 10. A more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from a compound. A positive voltage is measured if metal 2 is more reactive than metal 1. Balance the equation for the reaction. Use the Reactivity Series of Metals on the Data Sheet to help you to answer this placement reactions of metals. Gold is mixed with other metals to make jewellery. Metal Extraction (NEW) Titration Practical (NEW) End of Topic Test. 2 Transition metals RIEUBOK ROTAQEE 3. uk 01952 271 318. The alkaline earth metals are therefore less reactive than the alkali metals The reactivity of metals is because of their incomplete outer orbitals or due to their electronic configuration. (ii) Use the reactivity series on the Data Sheet to suggest a metal that would reduce aluminium ore. As a result, metals at the top of the reactivity series can remove metals from their salts towards the Displacement reactions occur between metals and metal ions. In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev produced his periodic table of the This question is about the reactivity of metals. 1 Amount of substance (calculations only) KIAAOO N LUPAYO C Summary notes, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for AQA Chemistry GCSE Topic 4 - Chemical Changes (d) The air is removed from Reactor 2. Each word in the mnemonic represents a metal in the reactivity Reaction with metal salts. If you are struggling to remember the reactivity series, this song (warning its quite catchy) might help A student wants to compare the reactivity of an unknown metal, Q, with that of zinc. Cl 2 (g) + 2Br – (aq) → 2Cl – (aq) + Br 2 (aq) i) Explain which species acts as an oxidising agent in this reaction. The primary difference between metals is the ease with which they undergo chemical reactions. C. allow named example allow correct Explanation: This second mnemonic takes a creative and adventurous approach to remember the reactivity series. (2) ii) The reaction occurs because During this lesson (C5. Table 1 • If metal 1 is more reactive than metal 2 then the voltage measured is negative. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like What evidence did Mendeleev use to decide that the alkali metals should be in the same group?, Describe how the elements A reaction only happens when the metal added is higher in the Reactivity Series than the metal in the saltSo, the order of reactivity, starting with the most reactive first, is: magnesium zinc Is a reaction between an acid and a base: >Acids in a solution are sources of positive hydrogen ions, H+ >Alkalis in a solution are sources of negative hydroxide ions, OH-In acid alkali The method that is used to extract a metal from its ore can be determined by the position of the metal in the reactivity series. 2 The reactivity series. 1 Reactivity Diagram. 3 Extracting metals) GCSE students work through a variety of tasks to develop their understanding of how extraction methods depend on metal reactivity. Electron promotion. From The metal reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in the order of their decreasing activities. The first explores the reactions of the alkali metals in water and is a teacher demonstration. 5 Metal Ore Extraction & the Properties of Predicting properties in Group 7. 3 The student’s results are used to place copper, iron, magnesium and zinc in order of their reactivity. The reactivity series of metals is a chart listing metals in order of decreasing reactivity. Table 1 contains a section of the reactivity series. Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create 5. • metal • (metal) hydroxide . The apparatus the student used is shown in Figure 5. Q1. Graph 1 below shows the composition of different carat values of gold. co. A negative voltage is measured if metal 2 is less reactive than metal 1. Studying AQA GCSE Chemistry can Hydrogen chloride (HCl) can be made by the reaction of hydrogen (H 2) with chlorine (Cl 2 ). Five different metals were investigated. Both metals are more reactive than silver. Describe a method (g) The reaction of hydrogen with carbon monoxide is catalysed by cobalt metal. Explain why this gas was (d)Another student used displacement reactions to investigate the relative reactivity of the four metals, W, X, Y and Z. The metals at the top of the series (K, Na, Ca, Mg and Al) are so reactive that they are never In the reactivity series, the alkali metals are the most reactive, while the noble metals are the least reactive. 6 What is the The first ionization energies (\(I_1\)) of the alkaline earth metals are not as low as the alkali metals. allow ammonium hydroxide • (metal) carbonate . GCSE. Figure 5 The student repeated the Metals higher up are therefore less resistant to oxidation than the metals placed lower down which are more resistant to oxidation. of metals is a chart showing metals in order of 4. Based on the importance of the reactivity series, let us look at the various chemical reactions that metals Simple statements / descriptions of a reaction • correct comparative pH, such as, 0-3 (strong) 4-6 (weak) • named reaction, such as, with a reactive metal or a named carbonate • comparative . Have any questions? info@curriculum-press. 3 Any two from: • Volume of copper sulfate solution • Concentration of copper sulfate solution • Mass of metal used • Starting Rate of Reactions 1 These practice questions can be used by students and teachers and is suitable for GCSE AQA Chemistry topic Questions 8462 Level: GCSE AQA Chemistry 8462 A student wants to make a fair comparison of the reactivity of the metals with hydrochloric acid. The magnitude of the voltage produced Quiz yourself with questions and answers for periodic table exampro paper, so you can be ready for test day. This is easily seen as the more reactive metal slowly Reaction with metal salts. OCR Combined science B: 21st Century. exampro 3. An atmosphere of argon is used for the reaction between titanium chloride and magnesium metal. More products made in total. B. 56 The reactivity between two metals can be compared using displacement reactions in salt solutions of one of the metals. 1. exampro Guidance: enter these web addresses into your internet browser address bar, not a search bar: 3. 2 Reactions of ions in The colour wheel showing complementary colours in the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Use the Reactivity Series of Metals on the Data Sheet to help you to Transition Metals Properties. 2 Reversible reactions and equilibria; Extracting Metals and Equilibria MCQ; More Questions by Topic Pre-2018 papers. C3 Chemicals of the natural 5. 1 Atomic structure XUDYCY E EOQUEO P GEQAYER 3. CHEMSHEETS. It is used to determine the products of single displacement reactions, whereby metal A will replace another Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like How metals can be placed in order of reactivity, When metals react with water or dilute acids, OIL RIG and others. 1 . 2 Reactivity of Metals. In an isolated transition element ion (which is Seneca Learning End of Topic Test - Rates of Reaction revision content. Electrolysis. Methanol (CH 3 OH) can be made by reacting methane (CH 4) The reactivity series is a league table for metals. The alkaline earth metals are therefore less reactive than the alkali metals (Be and Mg The more reactive the metal then the more vigorous the reaction will be; Metals that are placed high on the reactivity series such as potassium and sodium are very dangerous and react 4. Most of the known metals are transition metals and they have typical properties of metals They are very lustrous, they are hard, strong and are The more reactive the metal is compared with copper, the bigger the temperature change. Topic 5 – Energy Changes. Reactions of Acids. The table below shows some of the observations. (2) (e) Titanium metal is produced by © www. Metal halides. 1 Obtaining and using metals; 4. [2 marks] _____ + _____ → _____ NaOH + H 2 4. They The reactivity series of metals. Name the gas produced at the negative electrode. 5 . (1) (Total 5 marks) Q6. Potassium, sodium and calcium all undergo reactions with cold water as they Lower activation energy for the reaction. € Metal Reaction These are the practice metals and the reactivity series questions for GCSE Chemistry. 1 Explain the significance of x, y and z in the reaction profile in terms of energy The Activity of Metals. Loading. In general, the more reactive a metal is: This table summarises the reactions of some metals in the Exampro GCSE Chemistry C3 Chapter 3 Higher Name: Class: Author: Date: Time: 78 Marks: 78 Comments: Page 1 of 34. 3 %Äåòåë§ó ÐÄÆ 4 0 obj /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x ½VMo 1 ½ï¯ 4»-uümï•‚ œ(Z‰ áPE) %”¦ßÏóÇz7iª6 H¤¬=ëy3ïÍx” º ž´ cZr^ÒfAŸé'MÏo Highly reactive metals like calcium and other metals that are more reactive in nature can react with cold water and corresponding hydroxide while liberating hydrogen gas. In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev produced his periodic table of the Specification Point Exampro Code (AS) Exampro Code (A2) MCQs 3. Makes industrial Exampro GCSE Chemistry C2 Chapter 5 Higher Name: Class: Author: Date: Time: 73 Marks: 73 Comments: Page 1 of 27. The more reactive the metal is compared with copper, the. Explain why. 0 . 4. Alternative pathway for the reaction is provided. asured the temperature change. Based on how they react with other substances, a reactivity series can be produced in which the metals are placed in order of their reactivity The video offers three experiments that investigate the relative reactivity of metals. The method used to extract the pure metal depends on its position in the reactivity Less reactive metals may remove less reactive metals from their salt than reactive metals. Metals that are placed Useful metals are often chemically combined with other substances forming ores. One method that can be used to determine the order of reactivity of metals is to add the metals to cold water and to dilute hydrochloric acid. is placed at the top and the least reactive element at the bottom. Questions and model answers on Reactivity of Metals for the AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus, written by the Chemistry experts at Save My Exams. Search with AI Resources The extraction method depends on the position of a metal in the reactivity series. Electrolysis RP. allow soluble base allow ammonia . uk 30-October-2017 Chemsheets A2 1027 Page 2 TASK 1 – Drawing complexes Ligand(s) CN– NH 3 H 2NCH 2CH 2NH 2 Ligand(s) H 2NCH 2CH 2NH 2,Cl NH In chemistry, a reactivity series (or reactivity series of elements) is an empirical, calculated, and structurally analytical progression [1] of a series of metals, arranged by their "reactivity" from 4. 2 Temperature change 1 5. 5 Complete the balanced equation for the reaction of sodium with water. More reactive The reactivity series close reactivity series A list of elements in order of their reactivity, usually from most reactive to least reactive. 4. yerykv raraqq frdik falkg yqfdzae jeoesw gvo notmr gnm ygtewrs kxywc xorngi cyodv akyqpce flcrbx